About us

02:14 Silja Erg 0 Comments

Authors of this blog are Team Estonia members, who are all crafters, artists or vintage sellers from Estonia or in like with Estonia, who are all active members of the website www.etsy.com.

Posts are in English and in Estonian, about craft or Etsy related tutorials, featured sellers, Etsy finds or when we get all sappy, it's okay to post a few panda babies and kittens every now and then.

Like our page on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EtsyEstonia
Team Estonia's group on Etsy forums, all 200+ members: https://www.etsy.com/teams/5044/estonia/members
A virtual catalogue of our shops is forming here, slowly, as people submit their shop info  :] : http://teamest.blogspot.com/p/blog-page.html